Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0147

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Janry. Feby 1770.    off Cape Palliser

but the weather was so hazey that we could not make use of our glasses. about this time 3 Canoes put off from the shore & followd us & had patience to do so till 3 O'Clock  when they overtook us & immediately with very little invitation came on board   
they appeard richer & more cleanly than any people we have seen since we were in the bay of Islands & their canoes were also ornamented in the same manner as those we had formerly seen on the N. & this side of the Island but have not now seen since the river Thames if even there   they were also more civil in their behavior & on having presents made them immediately made presents to us in return (an instance we have not before met with in this Island) 
all these things inclind me to beleive that we were again come into the Dominions of Teratu but on asking them they said no he was not their King

9. Weather rather more clear than Yesterday  on the Land White chalky cliffs appeard

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