Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0125

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Janry. 1770.   Totarra nue

as we possibly could & had many presents given to him with which he returnd to the canoes who immediately joind in a war dance  whether to shew their freindship or enmity it is impossible to say  we have so often seen them do it upon both those occasions  after this they retird to their town & we went ashore abreast of the ship where we found good wood & water & caught more fish in the Seine than all our people could possibly destroy  besides shooting a multitude of Shaggs  the countrey however did not answer so well to Dr Solander & myself as to the ship  we finding only 2 new plants in the whole even

16. At day break this morn 3 Canoes & about 100 Indians came to the ship bringing their women with them a sign tho not a sure one of peacable inclinations  soon after our longboat put off from the ship with Cask in her  they atempted to follow her on which a musquet loaded with small shot was fird at them which made them immediately return  tho as they were full 100 yards from the ship it is improbable that blood was drawn from any of them

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