Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0414

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[Page 414]

Coast of New Guinea

Land we got into less than 4 fathm & we got upon a wind  we were very long before we could deepen it  the Bank however which was soft mud provd inimitably regular

30. In the morn tho the ship was in less than 7 fathom water  the Land was but just seen from the Deck  we saild along shore however in and about that depth  the Bank as regular as usual  in the Even a large Fire was seen ashore  at Night of a sudden went away to the Northward  we now judgd ourselves to be about the place calld in the Draughts Valche Caep & supposd this to be it. both yesterday & today vast quantities of the sea Sawdust was seen  some of our people observd that on passing through a bed of it much larger than common they smelt an uncommon stink which they supposd to proceed from it

31. 5 1/2 fathm & the Land not seen even from the mast head  the regularity of the bank which was soft mud made us

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