Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0358

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Booby Isle

the trade  before we had proceeded far we met with a shoal which made us come to an anchor

23 In the morn calm  at nine however a small breeze sprang up on which we weighd & saild through a channel which had been found during the calm  at noon we were abreast of an Island which was white with the Dung of Birds  as we had little wind the ship was brought too & we went ashore upon it & shot bobies till our ammunition was quite expended  I myself Botanizd & found some plants which I had not before seen  after we came on board the winds were variable & soon after calm & very hot  water still continued very Shoal but the swell  which ran larger than any we had met with within the reef  gave us great hopes

24. Swell continued & in the morn the Best bower cable was broke in weighing by it  the whole day was spent in fruitless attempts to recover the anchor tho there was no more than 8 fathm water

25. This morn by the first sweep the anchor was recoverd & we soon got under sail & lost sight of land with only 9 fathm water   at dinner met shoals which made us anchor again  in the eve however found a passage out & saild clear enough of them

26. Fine weather & clear fresh trade  stood to the W & deepned our water from 13 to 27. at night many Egg birds coming from the W



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