Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0517

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Octr.   Batavia

As for the Iron which most misled us that he undoubtedly bought in Spanish America. Besides the Botanist mentiond above these ships were furnish'd with one or more Draughtsmen so that they probably have done some part of our work for us.

21. After Petitioning & Repetitioning the Council of the Indies our affairs were at last settled & orders given to heave down the Ship with all expedition  so she this Day went down to Kuyper calld by the English Coopers Island where a warehouse was allotted for her to lay up her stores &c.

We now began sensibly to feel the ill Effects of the unwholesome climate we were in  our appetites & spirits were gone but none were yet realy sick except poor Tupia &Tayeto  both of which grew worse & worse daily so that I began once more to despair of

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