Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0503

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Octr. 1770.    off Batavia Road

out (Vesp. Vampyrus) & 4 plovers exactly like our English golden plover (Charadrius Pluvialis)  with these & the few plants we returnd & very soon after a small Indian boat came alongside  having in her 3 turtle  some dry fish &pumkins  we bought his turtle which weighd all together 146 lb for a dollar  with which bargain he seemd well pleasd but could scarcely be prevaild upon to take any other Coin for his Pumpkins  often desiring that we would cut a dollar & give him a part  at last however a Portugese Petacka shining & well coind tempted him to part with his stock which consisted of 26. he told us that the Island calld in most draughts Pulo Babi was realy calld Po. Tounda & that that calld Pulo Bedroe Pulo Payon  at parting he made signs that we should not tell at Batavia that any boat had been on board us. at 1 the sea breeze sprang up & carryd us by 5 the lengh of all the Islands calld Pulo Pare off the E end of them however was a shoal on which it broke a good deal which we could not weather  so were obligd to anchor abreast a passage between it & the Island in which was 22 fathom water  not having day light to carry us through  on all the Islands of

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