Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0475

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[Page 475]

Some account of Savu

paid by them for instructing the youth of this Island in reading  writing & the principles of the christian religion  Dr Solander was at his house & saw not only the Testaments & cathec Catechisms before mentiond but also the copy books of the scolars  about 50 in number  many of whoom wrote a very fair & good hand

[Margin note]  5 principalities
The Island is divided into 5 Principalities each of which has its respective Radja or King  What his power may be we had not an opportunity of Learning  in outward appearance he had little respect shewd him yet every kind of Business which was done seemd to center in him & his cheif councelor  so that in reality he seemd to be more regarded in Essentials than shewy & useless ceremonies  the Reigning Radja while were there was calld Madocho Lomi Djara  he was about the age of 35  the fattest man we saw upon the whole Island and the only one also upon whose body grew any quantity of hair  a circumstance very unusual among Indians  he appeard to be of a dull heavy disposition & I beleive was governd almost intirely by a very sensible old man Calld Mannu djame

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