Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0448

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[Page 448]


However quite done  so to fullfill a promise we had made he was presented with a small cagg of Beer & we took our leave as good freinds as possible

The refreshments we got consisted of 8 Buffeloes  30 dzn of fowls  6 sheep 3 hogs  some few but very few limes & cocoa nuts  a little garlick  a good many eggs above half of which were rotten  an immense quantity of Syrup which was bought for trifles  several hundred gallons at least  upon the whole more than live stock enough to carry us to Batavia & syrop for futurity

I have been very diffuse & particular in mentioning every trifling circumstance which occurd in this transaction  as this may perhaps be the only instance opportunity I shall ever have of visiting an Island like this of great consequence to the Duch & scarce known to any other Europæans even by name  I can find it in only one of the Draughts & that an old one printed by Mount & Page the Lord knows when  which has it by the name of Sou but confounds it with Sandel Bosch which it is layd down very wrong  Runphius [Rumphius] mentions an

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