Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0668

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[Page 668]

Some account of the Cape of Good Hope

under which for decency sake the men wore a small pouch & the women a broad leather flap fastned round their wastes by a belt  which in both Sexes was richly ornamented with beads & small peices of Copper  besides this both sexes wore necklaces & sometimes bracelets likewise of beads & the women had round their legs certain rings made of Leather very hard which they said servd to defend them from the thorns with which the countrey every where abounds  under their feet some wore a kind of Sandal of wood or bark but the greatest number went intirely unshod  for bodily qualifications they were strong & appeard nimble & active in a high degree

Their language which appears to an European but indistinctly articulated has this remarkable singularity in that in the pronouncing a sentence they Click or Cluck with their tonges at very frequent intervals  so much so that

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