Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0701

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May 1771.     Passage Home

gave us great reason to expect the trade very quickly  during the day we were very much ahead of the Fleet  at night however they came up with us fast.

27. in the night the wind settled at NE & in the morn to our great we had no sight of the Fleet even from our mast heads so were obligd to jogg on by ourselves  a bird something like a gannet but darker was seen about the ship which settled upon the water & remaind there till out of sight

29. Fresh trade which quickly releivd every body from the depression of spirits &c. which is the constant companions of the Damp Calms we have now passd through

30. Trade very fresh indeed with a heavy sea so that the Ship pitchd & tumbled very disagreably to us whoom a continuance of fine weather has made almost unfit for a Gale


1. Trade more moderate & pleasant weather

2. Saw some Gulph-weed today for the first time

3. This day passd under the Sun & were for the

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