Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0645

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March 1770.   To the Cape of Good hope

11. All last night the wind was foul  the Current however assisted us a little  in the morn the water was clear but we saw Gannetts & Albatrsses  soon after the wind favourd & we got round Cabo das Aguillas when we had the water again very thick & foul with many birds about the ship  at night were abreast of the high Land between Cabo das Aguillas & Cabo Falso  the water was as full of shining insects as we have seen it in the Voyage. in the day several fires were seen ashore.

12. in the morn saw Cape Falso & soon after the Cape of Good hope off which we observd a rock not laid down in the Charts  the breeze was fresh & fair  it carried us as far as Table bay off which we anchord  in coming along shore we saw several smoaks upon the next hill before the Lions rump & when at an anchor fires upon the side & near the top of the Table mountain  in the Bay were several ships  4 French   2 danes 1 English viz. the Admiral Pocoke Indiaman & several Dutch

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