Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0685

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[Page 685]

Some account of St Helena

& the Pike of Teneriffe still is on fire  these still Continue to burn but numberless others have been found to shew evident marks of Fires now extinct & which have been so from the times of Our Earliest traditions

That this has been the Case with St Helena & that the great inequalities of the ground there have been originaly causd by the sinking of the Ground  easily appears to an observing Eye who compares the opposite ridges  which tho seperated always by deep & sometimes by tolerably broad Valleys have such a perfect similarity in appearance as well as direction as scarce leaves room for a doubt that they formerly made a part of a much less uneven surface & that this sinking in of the Earth has been occasiond by subterraneous fires the stones Abunduntly testifie as they universaly shew marks of having been some time or other exposd to the Effects of a great degree of heat

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