Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0683

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May 1771    St Helena

2. As the fleet was to Sail immediately & our ship to accompany it  it became necessary to make as much of a short time as possible  so this whole day was employd in riding about the Island  in the course of which we made very nearly the Compleat Circuit of it visiting all the most remarkable places that we had been told of

3. Spent this day in Botanizing on the Ridge where the Cabbage trees grow  visiting Cuckolds point & Dianas peak  the Highest land in the Island as settled by the Observations of Mr Maskelyne, who was sent out to this Island by the Royal Society for the Purpose of Observing the transit of Venus in the Year


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