Series 03: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 (vol. 2) - No. 0602

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[Page 602]

Some account of Batavia

I have askd them what they thought the devil did with the money, & whether or no they thought that he eat the victuals, as for the money they said, so that the man orderd to do so did but part with it, it signified not who took it, so that therefore it was generaly a prey to the first stranger who found it, & the meat he did not, eat but bringing his mouth near it he suckd at once all the savouryness out of it without disturbing its position in the least, but rendering it tasteless as water

But what is much more difficult to reconcile to the rules of human reason, is the beleif which these people have, that women who bring forth children, sometimes bring forth at the same time young Crocodiles, as twins to the Children, these creatures are receivd by the midwives most carefully, & immediately carried down to the river, where they are turnd lose, but have victuals supplyd them constantly from the family, especialy the twin, who is necessitated to go down to the river every now & then & give meat to this Sudara as it is calld, who if he is deprivd of such attendance constantly afficts

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