Item 02: Charles Monaghan diary, 1917 - Page 137

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[Page 137]

1917 Sunday 20 May

A fine joyous day. Duties per usual. Afternoon off. Bath then sleep a little, read. Jockey sick Wait on him.
Over to cliff after tea & write up diary. Back to Y.M.C.A. to evening service. Tis when we sing the peerless old hymns of our church &amp childhood that the longing for home & kindred rushes upon one to be once more back to the old house haunts & faces. How this heart cries out in longing for it all. That this awful slaughter & [indecipherable] be stopped. That at the wickedness that stalks abroad open & unashamed. War develops the beast in human beings to a shocking extent. Is the war to be one of extermination? The Almighty's way of purging the race --- if so there are many to fall yet.

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