Item 02: Charles Monaghan diary, 1917 - Page 147

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1917 Wednesday 30 May

Transport duty today. Nothing much to do. Finish at 1.30 p.m. for day. Down to Wimereux for tunic not done. Blast.
Do men's mess for Jerry at tea, crook with inoculation. Mac & I tog up & go into Boulogne to see Opera Madam Butterfly. Did not start till 9 p m Principals good, others very ordinary. [indecipherable] Good seats Second act, an hours interval while they fix the stage. Do not finish till 12 30 p.m. French very casual & take everything calmly my rude remarks, did not know she compreed English Brisk walk home The search light on the waves, an indescribably beautiful effect.
Harry B & the bed board joke 1 a.m.

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