Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 14

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[Page 14]

2nd June
We were taken in under the poop-deck – an evil-smelling hole with a row of tin basins ranged along the side. 'The iron deck was covered with rails – mine rails.

We were asked to strip and hand over all our clothes and were then made to scrub daub ourselves with caustic soft soap. We took this bath surrounded by dozens of staring Huns dressed in white canvas uniforms. Our clothes, meanwhile, were being thoroughly searched; every scrap of paper was removed from the pockets by a beautifully garbed Crown-Princish officer whom we christened "Little Willie" "The Beautiful Hun" on the spot. During all this time we were clad in nothing but prepared-for-the-worst expressions, and were kept busy answering or evading all sorts of questions.

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