Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 7

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[Page 7]

Thu. 31st May. (cont.)
The "Wairuna" was pushing along through the islands of the Hauraki Gulf when I came out on deck. Glorious weather. Being the first steamer of the "tramp" order I have yet been on, the old tub has been of some interest today. She has iron decks, (except for a wood-covered walking space on the port side);– the officer's cabins open off a small saloon under the bridge:– the engineers have a special row of cabins on the lower deck.

Meals are served:– Breakfast 8. Dinner. noon. Tea. 5.30 p. (Unholy hours) The food is quite good, but the table can scarcely be called a Festive Board. The Old Man is a rather quiet Englishman, the Chf Engr. is a Melbourne Scotsman who endeavours to always say and do the "correct thing" (he never opens his mouth unless to eat or to bring out platitudes)

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