Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 61

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[Page 61]

Mon. 3rd Sept. (cont.)
All of those on board who "traded East" had said that the "Wolf" would never reach Singapore with her mines – the patrols are too vigilant.

We met a patrol-boat now and "Wolf" cleared for action – with over a hundred mines in no 3 hold! The ship was buzzing before the alarms had ceased ringing.

The iron shutters were clamped on the port-holes – the purplish-blue glass shades in use all over the ship lowered all necessary lights to a minimum – the operating-theatre was cleared for use – sheets flung over all the beds (the patients had all hobbled out to their posts) – on deck the guns and torpedo tubes were manned and then – dead silence.

The patrol boat was coming up on us, and "Wolf" intended to bluff through as an ordinary merchantmen if possible.

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