Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 59

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[Page 59]

Sun. 26th Aug.
The "Matunga" was emptied, all rubbish put into her holds, and at 11 am the two vessels put to sea.

In the muggy unventilated hospital we gasped with relief as we felt the sea-breezes again; we shall never forget Affak Bay. At abt 2.15 pm we stopped in the straits before Waigiouu & the "Matunga" was bombed.

I pulled myself up to the port-hole and saw her just before she sank, but did not actually see her go under owing to a "spasm" coming on.

The old ship made noises like a crockery warehouse collapsing as she went down. "Wolf" left then for Singapore.

Sat. 1st Sept.
My "cure" took the drastic form complete starvation for 7 days, then condensed milk for a few more days.

Today the horses which were brought from the "Matunga" appeared for the first time and I dined sumptuously on roast horse and sauer-kraut, preceded by meat soup with prunes in it.

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