Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 41

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[Page 41]

Thu. 12th July (cont.)
We continue to patrol the Suva-Sydney track, changing the course occasionally from S.W. to N.E. and then again reversing.

Rumours reach us that His Mightiness has "willed" a boat on this track and intends to have one.

The seaplane rose at abt nine am – nothing in sight.

It had made another flight at 2 pm, still without result, and on landing dived heavily nose first into the water. Much excitement on deck (we were below, as usual) & a boat and the launch were swung out.

I managed to get a glimpse out of the poop door of the 'plane nose down with the engines under water, the pilot and observer hanging on to the vertical body of the "Wolfchen", and the motorboat running to their assistance. "Wolfchen" was later hauled on board with a smashed float and wing and buckled stays; a little mishap that

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