Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 34

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[Page 34]

24th (cont.)
a handsome but bantam-like "cocksure" person of 40 or so, leaned over the rail of the boat deck & absolutely screamed for quite 5 minutes at a "Matrose" who came up to trim the "Wairuna's" coal in a frock coat and "bowler" hat he had plundered from some ship. Screaming is the only word which describes these outbreaks – Little Willie the Beautiful is addicted

To resume, the band was earnestly discoursing Military marches & "Deutschland uber alles" when a big sea put the whole band out of action. The wet musicians did not resume the programme.

25 June. A bad day for us.

On Tuesday evening, 5th June, Chf Officer Steers and 2nd Engr. Clelland
of the "Turritella" slipped over the side down a shark-line & struck for the shore.

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