Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 101

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Tue. 1st Jan.
At the conclusion of the programme they played the Hamburger "homeward-bound" song and all the Germans sang the chorus in very excited fashion, demanded an encore, and wildly cheered the strutting bantam-cock on the bridge.

The chorus went:-
     "Holdrio, es geht nach Heimat.
     "Holdrio, yur schonen Heimat.
     "Holdrio, es geht nach Heimat,
     "Holder-rie-ei-rie-ei-rie es gaht nach Haus'."

And musical snobs try to tell us that English popular songs are so inferior to the German and French.

Fri. 4th Jan
Sail sighted 8 am, passed at 11.30. Being neutral the vessel was passed, but a little later mein Herr Kommandant decided to sink her since "dead Neutrals tell no tales".
I watched the chase from the port-hole, the full armament was swung on to the vessel and she surrendered.

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