Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 141

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[Page 141]

Wed 29th Mchy
Back in Nummer 25 again with Bowell, Cramer, etc. and I am no longer under the care of the handsome Olga ("La Grande Duchesse", as one poetic Hun designated her to me.)

Kate Schmidt, the old dear, can by no means described as "Duchessey". She is thin, angular & sharp, and was a pre-war governess in England.

Cramer (R.N.D.) is a card. He tells bluer stories then the bluest and tells the funniest yarns of the "Heast-Hend" and life in the "Harmy".

Having quite a good time; more then sufficient to eat, thanks to Red Cross parcels from England, and the two Russkis entertain us occasionally with national songs.

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