Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 211

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Sun 23rd June
Bernard, mon ami francias, in a cooking lesson revealed the virtues of common burdock as a vegetable. Even the Russians don't eat that so I was able to find plenty growing around the camp. I cut some over by the Russian barracks & boiled it.
It was splendid; just like spinach.

Mon 24th
We are now living by ourselves in a deserted barrack. We added McCarthy to our mess, but it was then overweighted with Temperament. McCarthy & McGrath were inseparable for a week & then had a fight, with McCarthy grabbing a table-knife to end matters. Whittaker shrieked; dear old George just looked up from his book & calmly watched. McC has gone back to his barrack; while McG fights (verbally, almost physically) with me in his stead. We also were inseparable till McG. told me that the McGraths were the Royal Clan of Ancient Ireland & I remarked that every Irishman I had ever met, no matter how haggishly ignorant, always laid claim to be descended from kings.

Anyhow, today we were called out on Appel and asked to keep a watch on the lavatories to prevent Russians stealing the timber of which the hygienic abortions are built!

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