Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 200

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Brandenburg camp contains many thousands of Russians, mostly filthy, ignorant peasants. The poor devils are mostly of magnificent physique and are drafted in and out of the camp in slave-like labour gangs, to work for the usual 3d a day. There are also large batches of French (sailors & soldiers), Italians, Poles, & English all of whom (with the exception of officers and under-officers) are also in the labour gangs. The only food supplied (it is given to all alike) is coffee substitute at 6 am, a basin of quite indescribable soup at midday, another basin at 6 pm. A small cube of bread (black & half-sawdust) is supplied in the afternoon. The manner in which this awful food is served & the odor of the stuff prevent any of us from touching it except as a last resort.

We exist on a weekly dole from the British Relief Committee, which is naturally unable to give much in such a place as this.

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