Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 198

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Thu 23rd (cont.)
Number 10 is a long felt-walled barrack divided off into officers, underofficers, day workers, French, & many divisions. The officers quarters are full, sayeth authority, and a number of us needs must camp in the underofficers quarters, including Sandy (3rd "Wordsworth"), Geo., Buck, Heck, Fraser, & Smith. Everything and everybody is more or less filthy and the smell from the numerous open cesspits is omnipresent and overpowering.

My stable companions at number 10 include a number of travling skippers captured in the North Sea. Bob, Geo. Pyne, & self formed a Mess. We cook what little we have to cook on the beach by the clay-pit. (Pardon!. The Lake is the correct term here.) We are "on the Beach" metaphorically as well as literally.

Sun. 26th.
In Brandenburg with Geo. This place place is the very heart of Military Germany; the Prussian Aldershot.

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