Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 243

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A huge train (33 coaches & 2 luggage vans) were drawn up outside the station. We are 1300 strong, including the wives and children of the
English "suspects" who have been interned for so long.

The train was mass of bunting, including English flags, & as we lined the roofs, danced, & yelled like maniacs as we slowly drew out en route for Sassnitz, the little port on the Baltic where we embark. Three of the revellers were swept off the roof of the moving train, two being killed. Very sad at such a time.

We left at 11 am, Geo., Smithy, (in gorgeous new braid), Ted, Payne & I in one 3rd class coach.

Past pretty Oranienburg; past the tall wireless mast of Nauen; past dear old Furstenberg (the lights of the lager glimmering across the darkened landscape.); past the Grand Ducal capital of New Strelitz (deserving of note because Ted got me hot coffee there.

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