Alexander diary, 1917-1918 / Roy Alexander - Page 225

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[Page 225]

We have a new mess-rate now now. Captain Burgess of the P.S.N.C. An amusing old card & a perfect cook! What a pity we have as little to cook, though! There have been no packets for the last fortnight and even I have almost exhausted my credit with the Majah! Damn him – the Scotch cow. We are horribly hungry; even old George is wailing now & he is the most even tempered, philosophic and take-things-as-they-come chap I know. Geo. (otherwise Purser Norman Pyne of the"Matunga" ) is the First Person of our Holy Trinity (bloody blasphemous we're getting, aren't we?) is the ideal chap to live with in hard-luck times. A typical "Aussie", unselfish, adaptable, and a Good Cook, and not possessed of Temperament, Geo. is the sort of pal that one values. He is also a Notability. There are three Australians in this cosmopolitan hell, Smithy, Geo. & self.

Smithy is a celebrated "soubrette", a celebrated swimmer and contortionist, my humble self am a celebrated tragedienne and deft (!) handler of comedy roles, Geo. is a notability because he is an "Aussie" and is not notable (in the public way.)

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