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18 May 1915
Yesterday we went to the range & fired some 20 rounds. There was no convenience for water there, most of our lips were parched for the want of water. Today I am just about the hardest up I have been in all of my life, in fact this last 4 day I haven't seen 1 Piastre, anyhow to night we get paid all our back pay, it is about £5 in all, so that will be one consolitation, verry hot to day flies are numerous here worse than Sydney by long half.
26th May
Left Zeitoun Camp at 6.45 Wednesday, reached Alexandria at 3 p.m., we sailed from Alex. at 7.30 that night & reached Lamnos Island at 29th May. On our trip we were badly treated, the food & accomodation was verry poor on this ship, that is The S.S. Novian. there was no special mess for sergeants. I think we were worse off than the Men. The Trip from Alex. was verry pleasant, fine weather & a fair amount of scenery such as Islands every five or six miles. The Islands are that Large that a village was pointed out to me & it looked for all the world like one mass of stones white. The height would account for that. Tomorrow we expect to land at Lamnos Island.
May 30th
We left the A12 T.T. [Troop Transport?] at 6 oclock p.m. & boarded the "Newmarket" for Anzac Cove, all the Boys except the 13th of 4 Rein. went on board the Newmarket.
June 18-6-15
We arrived safely at Anzac Cove near Sara Bair hill and landed in small punts, we expected to be fired on but as luck happened we were not as we reached to beach we were meet one huge hill covered with what is called dug outs, little humpies cut out in the hill which we all live in, each man or two men have one to himself. We all got ashore 110 was the number of my company. I marched