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T.S.S. "Argyllshire"
Nearing Albany.
At Sea.
5th Oct 1915

Dear Father,

There is a rumour that a mail will be going ashore in a day or two, so here's just a few lines saying how I am getting on.

We have just come through a lovely storm lasting 3 days, much to the discomfort of the troops, the majority of whom have been very sick & miserable, though I am glad to say it has not affected me in any way. It was here that Dene struck it so rough & if he had it worse than we have, I can readily sympathise with him.

Till today I have seen nothing of Noel, but he asked me down to his cabin tonight and we had a good old yarn. I have struck it lucky again, or so I think. A typist was wanted in that "Holy of Holies" – the Orderly Room – a few days ago, so I dropped in for it, even though my typing has not improved during the last 12 months. The machine is a very old Smith Premier like yours, and it took some time for me to get the hang of it, but I can push her along alright now. It's fine being here. Right up on the main deck all day, very little work to do, and amongst real decent fellows all the time.

The food we are getting is pretty good, though not as palatable as on the old "Seang Bee", and lately there has been more than enough for those who are not sick.

Tell Ollie I was sorry not to have seen him just before leaving, but he will understand what a rush I had I'm sure.

P.S. Has my allotment been coming along regularly. It should be £1/-1/- a week instead of 14/- now, and Ma will square up for anything I owe you.

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