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I wrote a long letter to Mother a day or two ago, and told just about all the news there is to tell, so I'm afraid there is not much for me to say in this. As a matter of fact I just sat down to tell you about the passing of the Hospital Ship whilst it was fresh in my memory, and the only thing I am sorry for, is that I did not have my camera handy to take a photo of her. I was down at mess at mess at the time, and hearing a lot of cheering up on deck, I rushed up with scores of others, and then she was right abeam of us, and if I had gone down for my camera I would have missed her altogether. It was a good chance missed, but I guess I shall find plenty of interesting things to take before I am through.

One thing I don't think I told Mother about, and that was the Church Parades on board. It is compulsory to attend these Parades, and I can tell you, it is a very impressive ceremony indeed. Imagine close on 1000 men singing "Onward Christian Soldiers", or "For Those in Peril on the Deep," its just fine, and somehow sounds different on a boat. The ceremony is held on the open deck, under a canvas awning, and a Church of England minister takes the Service. He preaches a jolly fine Sermon, and everyone listens right to the end, he is one of the best I have heard.

Well, Father, I don't suppose I shall have much chance to write very long letters in the future, and I daresay I wont be in a position to Censor them myself either, but you can be sure I shall drop a line as often as I can to let you all know how I am getting on, and you can rest assured I shall not shirk anything that happens to come along my way. My only wish is, don't worry, and KEEP SMILING, the rest must be left in His hands. Your Son, Alan

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