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[Page 110]

Many of the lads on board fully expected to find the Red Sea, a blood red colour, and now I think they think it is a bit of a frost, because it is blue, the same as anywhere else. Some of their ideas of geography are very vague, and one man was willing to bet me we were a long way past England. I am enclosing a little paragraph or two made up by one of the Officers, and it is rather clever, though some of the names are rather far-fetched. It includes almost every one of the Officers names, and the Nurses & Doctors. I thought the "Ketallack" tite was very good. The other typewritten page, is one of Kipling's poems, most likely you have heard it. One of the Sergt-Majors on board is a lover of Kipling, and he recites it very well, besides many others.

This will do for the time being, and I shall finish just before we arrive in Suez.

Friday 6 pm [29 Oct/15]
I'm afraid I must end this now. The mail bags are being sealed up, preparatory to going ashore at Suez, where we will arrive about 7 am in the morning. As you can imagine everything is in a bustle now, and all the boys are in great spirits. Will write the first chance I get after landing.
Good-bye for the present, and give my Love to all at home.
Your Son

I might add we are not sure of going off at Suez, we may go right to Lemnos, but no one knows for certain.

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