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to us" were his exact words. There was not a man – private or Officer who did not respect him, and many went to him for advice. I believe all his men were very cut up on hearing the news, but the only thing that consoled them was that he never lingered. I asked him a favour if he would write to Mother and tell her the story in detail, as I knew you had not heard very much, and Kemp was in a position to know Uncle Jim pretty intimately – being in the Orderly Room.

Christmas is over, and we had a boska time, though you can be sure our thoughts were many thousands of miles from here, most of the time. I suppose you are wondering how that letter from Alexandria came about, and if I was on the move at last. No such luck though. I was on extended leave. A certain number of men of unblemished character only
were given leave from 12 noon Friday 24th till 12 mid. – 26th Decbr. Of course
I came under this heading. Sergt White of the 11/13 and myself decided to take a trip to Alexandria.

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