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cooped up in this Compound, and we expected them to make a break for it at any time. But evidently the sight of our boys with fixed bayonets and loaded rifles decided them to remain quiet. Certainly if they had made a move, they would have been shot down, as we had our orders to that effect, and most of us have been here so long, that we were dying for a scrap of any kind. The Officers in charge of the Camp then came along, and their decision was, that the ring leaders were to be flogged. Some 300 were picked out, and the flogging party, (specially kept for this work as it is frequently needed when dealing with the natives) were brought out. The men to be flogged were then brought out, and one sat on his head, one on each arm, and on each leg to keep them down. They were flogged with a "jambok", a long strip of hide, about 1 ½ inched thick where it is held in the hand, and tapers down

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