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In one of the Sydney Mails I have, there is a full page photo of some lasses collecting on Allies Day, and I'm sure one of them is Olive Major. Did you notice it? – And very nice too!!

I am going to start paying the men now Mother, its Pay day, so I will have to close, and do write pretty often. Fathers letters are more than interesting, & he seems to get such a lot of news into them. It does not matter if you have no news to tell me – the fact that it is a letter from home is quite sufficient and I'm sure all the boys here will benefit as well as me, because when I get a letter I'm in a good temper for a couple of days, and if I don't get one for some time I'm roaring on them all day – I haven't had one for a week now, that's why I started off grumbling in this letter I suppose, but don't take any notice of that, - I'm alright, it's the one privilege we have here – to grumble. All Australians are the same. They grumbled when at Liverpool & wanted to get away. On the boat they grumbled & wanted to get off, here they are grumbling & want to go to the Canal, & I know we shall not be there long when we will grumble & want to go to France or somewhere else. I do know that we area all grumbling because we did not see Gallipoli & the boys there grumbled & wanted to get away, but as I say that's the Australian privilege – to grumble and then do it – a well disciplined army, like the British, they

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