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Suez 3rd Oc
Dear Mother,
These are a few p. cs. I bought today while ashore in Suez. The Karoola is lying some 2 miles out in the bay, and I could not get off to see if Dene was aboard. Probably he is. However I met the Sergeant in Headquarters here who is in charge of the Pay Dept. & he is going out to her tomorrow and kindly took a note to Dene for me. I guess he will be surprised to know I am in the same Port as he is. It is a coincidence meeting here isn't it? I thought he may have been on board the Hosp. Ship we passed before reaching Aden but I don't think so. I have remained behind here till tomorrow morning with the Colonel & adjutant to help them with a lot of work 7am going up to Cairo tomorrow with them. All the rest of the Troops went today.

Excuse the scratch, but it's a crook pen, and I am writing hastily. Have just come back from a day in Suez – was very lucky to get up to see the Town at all.

Love to all Allan

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