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is the same as Qld, every ½ hour there is a bell rung at P.O. and it sounds very pretty. While we were there a very good lot of steamers came in the sister boat to this one came in "The Thermosthenes" and a monitor and another armoured merchantman. The Harbour is not bad, the wharves are all in one, about 1 mile in length, and the sheds are 3 deep. There is a light-house and a concealed fort on a cliff called "The Bluff" just on the entrance to the Harbour. The Light-house has a very strong light, and the surf comes in very strong, there also is a beautiful sandy beach and a nice esplanade. With last night (18th) being our last night there myself and mate hooked two tarts, and passed the time away on the beach in the cool breeze, it came on to rain but we didn't mind as we had our overcoats and they are made to shelter two, so we didn't get much wet, but we had a good time while we were with them. We arrived back at the ship at 4.30 this morning, after having a good time but it was worth staying out as we left Durban at 7 a.m this morning bound for The Cape, which we reach in 2 ½ days time. When one sees such nice cities etc. like Durban, one wants to stay there for holidays, but duty comes first and pleasure afterwards, the worst thing was that the pubs were closed, so we couldn't get drunk. There is one deserter out of our unit, but he shall be caught very soon if he hangs about the town. There is a camp there mostly all the men are wearing their colours, as they have just come back from German East Africa, but their next trip is over to France, the uniform they wear is short trousers, and puttees and no coats and helmets. They