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the best jobs on board, and I think they do too as the buzzer sends one to sleep at times. The time over here is five hours faster than Brisbane, it is now 9 p.m and now all Brisbane is in a heavy slumber. I have got my identification disc which is to be worn round our necks, one is [space] if he hasn't it on him when they examine him, they have your full name on them, number, battalion, and religion. The boat is something awful tonight, I think I shall sleep up on deck and keep cool. The deck is very slippery, when I have my boots on it makes me think of the skating rinks in dear old Brisbane.
we arrived at Durban at 9 a.m. on Wednesday 17th, and anchored in mid-harbour until the health doctors came on board and examined all the troops. We anchored to the wharf at 1 p.m and started coaling and taking on cargo,, water etc. straight away as we did not have much time. The wharf was crowded with niggers, and there was a scramble with them whenever any money was chucked down to them, they were such characters too, and dirty with it, any sort of clothes they wear, but no hats nor boots. Some had bangles and fancy the men doing their hair up in curls. I have seen them have bread chucked overboard to them, and after rolling on it pick it up and eat it, and you could see nothing but dirt on it. Their work is coaling the boats, and they get 1½ d an hour and they have to work for their money. The sweat rolls off them, and if they were whites they would look pretty dirty on it, but one couldn't notice it on them with being black. The cranes on the wharves run in rails, and about 60 ft high, the noise on Wednesday and thursday nights was very loud, but I was very tired