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We soon came to the top [of] a fine Hill, were we found that we had kept [to] the outside of the Country for to the E. & SE is a Scrubby, Stoney, & Rockey Country. We found in coming to this Hill that we had cross'd the head of a River that seems to run to the Southward. We Altered our course N. to come to the Mountains. During our days Journey we saw some Emews & many Kangaroo's, one of the latter Wilson shot. The Country still very fine till we came to the Mountains. Stopp'd under them for the night
distance 19 Miles
Friday 30th March - Course N b E
In this Course Wilson shot a Pheasant, the travelling much the same -- as I have before mention'd in going over the Mountains the first time, Miles we could not guess at
Saturday 31st - Course N b E
In this days Journey we were very fortunate for we came along the Top of [a] Hill all the day.
Sunday 1st Aprill [- Course S b E
We kept the above Course, in which Wilson shot