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[Page 22]

it to be about the size of the Nepean River, with a great run of water, found that all the Creeks, that we met with before comes into it, to the Southward it runs to a open Country at a great distance, the tops of the Hills looks to be very thin of Timber, hear we had much Rain, came too for the night
​distance 14 Miles

Saturday 24th March - Course NE

We did not see any better way back - Wilson shot a Rock Kangaroo, so we saved a days allowance of Biscuits very dull & rainey Weather. Stopped all night
distance 16 Miles

Sunday 25th - ​Course NE

Continued the same course, the Ground as before, the Timber is of a white Gum & a short stingey Bark, still keeps raining. Went to rest for the night 
distance 14 Miles

Monday 26th  - Course NE

Weather very bad, we walked as fast as we could to get into a better Country, during this days Journey Wilson shot a strange Bird, long while before we could find a place to sleep in this night
distance 24 Miles 

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