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[Page 15]

get much farther then were Wilson had been before, so we agreed to over all these dry Creeks. Wilson & Hacking went, they left me to take care of the Provisions, Wilson went up the Creek & Hacking down & discovered a much finer Vaine of Salt than he had seen before, Wilson saw nothing particular, but one short Rock Kangaroo; came back to Collins & stopp'd all night

Wednesday 14th - ​Course E

Having plenty of Provisions, Wilson concluded to go to the Eastward to see if he could get some Skins of Birds & Animals. Collins went with him to keep him Company. Hacking leaveing us to return to Sydney. Wilson asked me if I was willing to go to the SW part of the Country for 9 or 10 days, I told him I was willing to go to any part he thought proper, then we altered our course & steered SW we had a fine open Country for 7 or 8 Miles, we saw the dung & Marks of the Cattles feet all the way till we came to a Rockey Creek, then we had a nasty Scrubby stoney Country for the Remainder of that day, we cross't three deep Vallies [valleys] with large ponds of Water, in each of the Vallies, we also cross't one deep Gully, we then came too for the night
​distance 13 Miles 

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