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[Page 21]

The same Course as yesterday, met with many Creeks, seemed to run from the SE. down towards the Wd [westward], Wilson shot a Pheasant in one of the Creeks, here we had some Rain, saw some high Hills, we agreed to go to the top of the Highest we could see, for we was resolved to get farther to the SW, if it was possible. We concluded to bring too for the night
distance 19 Miles

Friday 23rd
​Course SW

Came to the top of high Hill, on purpose to see how the Country looked towards the SW, and found it to be a Stoney, Barren Country, saw some Mountains about 11 Miles from us, we came to them and got up one of them to satisfie ourselves, with a view to get further into the Country if a good one, we found to the SW, that it was a Scrubby, Hilly Country & nothing to be got so we concluded to return back for fear that we should not have Biscuits enough to bring us back, for if we could have got any thing to eat we sho'd [should] not have returned towards home yet awhile, having had no signs of a Kangaroo for three days. and we -- really believe that their never was a Native in this part of the Country. We saw from the Mountain a River that seemed to run a way to the W'd [westward]. Steered our course N. to get to it, we found it 

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