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Monday March 12th, - Course S S W

Hacking & Wilson swam over the River with their Cloaths on the top of their Heads, to find the Salt, & left me to take care of the Provisions, walked about 5 Miles & fell in with the River again & was oblig'd to swim over again, & then fell in with the Salt. There is Salt Rock in great abundance, but it is intire mixed with a little sand, the Vain of Salt is about 8 foot thick, we were determined to come down the West Side of the River again to Collins, in walking about a Mile NW, we fell in with another Branch that came into the Nepean, were we found a much larger Vain of Salt. The Vain was about 12 feet deep, the rocks of this River, & the Branch above mentioned is about a quarter of a Mile perpendicular, we fell in with three more deep Cliffs, which having reason to believe they run a great way to the Westward, it was about 5 OClock when we came back to Collins

Tuesday 13th - ​Course SW

We had not walked above 4 or 5 Miles, before we fell in with a large Creek, that was impossible for any one to get over with a Load at their Back. Wilson inform'd us that there was many more, so we concluded that it was of no use for us to go any farther to the SW, for we could not get  

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