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to the W and SW. that the Country seems to be level & a good one, then we came off the Hill to refresh ourselves, & to proceed on our Journey, it was about 2 in the day when we left this Hill, we named it Mount Wilson, after our refreshment we steered our Course SW. & cross't some swampey Meadows & two fine Grass Meadows, with scarce a Tree upon them, came too for the night
distance 8 Miles
Monday 19th March
As soon as it was day light, we counted our Biscuits, & found we had 30 a piece, we allotted that 2 Biscuits should be our days allowance, we than started on our Journey, we had not walked above 4 or 5 Miles, SW Course before we fell in with a large Creek, were was many more, here altered our Course to S. to head the Creeks, walked about 9 Miles, when we fell in with a fine Run of Water, here we saw a great many Ducks, but did not like to waist our Powder & Shot about them, Wilson saw a large green, yellow & Black snake, he directly run & caught it by the Head, which made us an Excellent dinner, we saw an Exceeding high Hill about 5 Miles from us, we concluded