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[Page 10]

:ber and very light, the Ground good except on the tops of the Hills which was Stoney, we were very weak, we could not get any thing to Eat but a few small Birds, we fell in with two Birds, which Wilson said he had never seen before in the Country, and we was fortunate Enough to shoot the Cock & Hen in one of the Meadows. They appear to be something like a Cockatoo Intermixed with a Green White & head Colour, the Cock with a Scarlet Head
distance 20 Miles

February 2nd
​Course ENE

The Country still runs very fine, full of large Meadows and some thousands of Acres of Land without any timber upon it, except here & there one tree, and some very large Lakes of Water, some three Miles long, but saw no Birds of any kind about them, this day we had a View from a High Hill, which made us better judges of the Country, which was Rockey & Scrubby, ​which​ twas clear and open land from S to SW. The land appeared high & Good, and to the SW we saw two large ridges of Mountains, with two Heads with the appearance, of the entrance of a River betwixt them, which we supposed to be the Sea Coast, here we found that the Country which appeared low & dark, was that which is Rockey & Scrubby, & that which appeared light & Hilly is the most 

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