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:ber and very light, the Ground good except on the tops of the Hills which was Stoney, we were very weak, we could not get any thing to Eat but a few small Birds, we fell in with two Birds, which Wilson said he had never seen before in the Country, and we was fortunate Enough to shoot the Cock & Hen in one of the Meadows. They appear to be something like a Cockatoo Intermixed with a Green White & head Colour, the Cock with a Scarlet Head
distance 20 Miles
February 2nd
Course ENE
The Country still runs very fine, full of large Meadows and some thousands of Acres of Land without any timber upon it, except here & there one tree, and some very large Lakes of Water, some three Miles long, but saw no Birds of any kind about them, this day we had a View from a High Hill, which made us better judges of the Country, which was Rockey & Scrubby, which twas clear and open land from S to SW. The land appeared high & Good, and to the SW we saw two large ridges of Mountains, with two Heads with the appearance, of the entrance of a River betwixt them, which we supposed to be the Sea Coast, here we found that the Country which appeared low & dark, was that which is Rockey & Scrubby, & that which appeared light & Hilly is the most