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[Page 11]

most easy to travel in being the Forest, we saw to the Northward & Westward many Hills of those which appeared Rockey, but to all appearance more open to the Northward, in the latter part of the day after we had got over the first ridge of the Mountains, we fell in with a vast Number of Kangaroos, here we were fortunate again for Wilson killed one of them which was a great refreshment to us, The Next Morning about Sun Rise, I myself heard two Guns fire which sounded to the SE. I was not certain that it was a Gun untill Wilson said do you hear that Gun fire, I said I did. I then took up my Gun & fired again, but we could not​ get no Answer altho' we fired five different times. We here come to a resolution of returning, for Wilson here came to a part of the Country which he knew, and a very barren one, for we could not get any thing to Eat but for a few Roots & Grubbs, & they very scarce, Indeed I thought that we must all have perish'd with Hunger, which certainly would have been the case had it not been for the Indefatigable zeal of Wilson to supply us with as much as would support Life, for we travell'd six days successfully​ successively over Hills & Vallies full of Rocks & no Appearance of any Animal or Birds of any size, so that we had no hopes of ever reaching back again being so Weak, that Roe & myself were scarce able to travel, but on the sixth day we got through the Rocks & made the Forest Land 

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