Item 06: Frank Valentine Weir diary excerpts, letters and news clippings,24 June 1915-1 August 1918 - Page 13
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To Lieut Weir
Dear Weir
Well we are right in the thick of it and are getting just as much fighting as anyone can wish for. The trenches are now very good and they are really the safest place in the whole outfit.
Poor old Paddy May was shot dead about a week ago and a lot of the men which we brought over have gone. Con Gilroy was badly wounded and is reported dead but one not sure about him.
We have lost about twice the number as [indecipherable] with you & I in the A42
in same places in the Firing line we are throwing bombs and their effect is very demoralising. Nickolls & Edmonds are both wounded & I think that Nickolls is sure to lose an arm.
The men are being wonderfully well fed. I think better than when they were in Camp. The country is absolutely impossible for Light Horse to work over yet It is really wonderful