Item 06: Frank Valentine Weir diary excerpts, letters and news clippings,24 June 1915-1 August 1918 - Page 5
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the Turks never suspected us, & we could hear them digging away as usual, improving their trenches or sapping towards us, but while they were digging we knew they did not intend to charge –
Cuth had saved a bottle of whisky & we both had a nip & shared it with the men about midnight -
To be on the alert & in suspense from sundown till 4 in the morning is a long strain, but the men did it well –
I had a telephone from the ops of No 1 Outpost to regimental Head Quarters & so on to Brigade – Reported every half hour but at the finish the Operator at Reg H – Qts cut off before ringing me up so I sent my operator on foot to [indecipherable] what was wrong – he returned panting hard after climbing up the hill , saying "they are all waiting for you hurry up, we are behind time now" –
Of course it took some minutes to gather my men. Got word to Cuth so that when we did reach the