
To give some idea of the sound of the language I

will repeat two specimens - the first a

dialogue between two savage rivals in the  

Dippil language, taken down from the lips of  

a man who spent 13 years among them; -

the other a touching narrative of an event with

which you are all familiar, in the Kamilaroi.

First imagine two sable disputants meeting in  

the Bush;   one accosts the other in these words:-

First Bundar soliloquizing says-

"Kawundos ngunungi yemar yemar Kurraminarain"

Kawundow my axe has stolen  

"Undara nulla wurang aieri.   Unda wunna"

He has a bad heart to me. He when

"bunna bungai ngutta unda bunna yemago."

he comes back, I   him will scold.

"Kawundas ngunungai yemaryemar mingalu"

Kawundow my axe wherefore

"inda dummain?   Ngai benung gir"

You take?   I didn't take it.


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